Marine Test Kits Salifert Ammonia Profi Test NH3 0 Review(s)  £8.79 The Salifert Ammonia Test Kit measures the total amount of ammonia and ammonium quickly and accurately in your marine aquarium. Ammonia is poisonous for fish and corals and can cause an unwanted micro algae bloom. 50 Tests Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Marine Test Kits Salifert Iodine Profi Test I2 0 Review(s)  £14.87 Salifert Iodine Profi Test Kit I2 - Sufficient for 40 Tests Iodine is an important trace element in the marine aquarium and widely used by corals. Regular dosing of Iodine can as well improve the growth of macroalgae in the planted Reef Tank and Refugium. View
Out-of-Stock Marine Test Kits Salifert pH Profi Test 0 Review(s)  £7.49 Salifert pH Profi Test Kit - Sufficient for 50 Tests pH is a key value for a thriving marine aquarium as it has a direct impact on the growth of soft and hard corals, macroalgae and other biological processes. A correct pH is a must for any reef tank as it controls the acidity of the marine water and the saturation of carbon dioxide. It is recommended to... View
Out-of-Stock Macroalgae Grow Lights Kessil H80 Tuna Flora Refugium LED Grow Light 0 Review(s)  £149.95 The Kessil® H80 Tuna Flora refugium lights are a great quality choice when it comes to growing macroalgae in the marine aquarium, especially Chaetomorpha (Chaeto). It comes with 4 different light spectrums - Blue, Grow, Bloom and Red - to fit the different light requirements of various macro algae species in the refugium tank. Find the Kessil H80 Tuna... View
Out-of-Stock Macroalgae Grow Lights AI Prime Fuge 16HD Refugium LED Grow Light 0 Review(s)  £249.95 The new AI Prime Fuge 16HD is specifically build for a powerful growth of macroalgae like Chaetomorpha, Caulerpa etc. in the marine aquarium refugium. It is very compact and powerful with an easy adjustable light intensity output & light spectrum via the Aqua Illumination App. View
Out-of-Stock Macroalgae Grow Lights Kessil A80 Tuna Blue incl. free Gooseneck 0 Review(s)  £169.95 The Kessil® H80 Tuna Blue is the perfect LED light for nano reef tanks and most soft coral tanks. The design of the A80 integrated the body as the actual heat sink for the module allowing for fanless operation making it totally silent. The LEDs in the A80 are packed into Kessil's Dense Matrix array allowing for deep penetration and high power output while... View
Out-of-Stock Coralline Algae Pink Fusion Coralline Algae In A Bottle - Pre Order only 0 Review(s)  £29.95 Pink Fusion® Coralline Algae includes, as oppose to most available coralline algae supplements, 6 species of live coralline algae spores in varying pink varieties along with beneficial nitrifying bacteria. There is no faster way to turn your bare rocks into beautiful and coralline encrusted live rock. Pink Fusion pre-order is now closed for early... View
Out-of-Stock Coralline Algae Purple Helix Coralline Algae In A Bottle - Pre Order only 0 Review(s)  £29.95 Purple Helix® Coralline Algae includes, as oppose to most available coralline algae supplements, 8 species of live coralline algae spores of Purple, Magenta, and Lavender. along with beneficial nitrifying bacteria. There is no faster way to turn your bare rocks into beautiful and coralline encrusted live rock. Purple Helix pre-order is now closed for... View
Out-of-Stock Microalgae & Cyanobacteria Remover Blue Life Flux Rx Bryopsis Hair Algae Treatment 0 Review(s)  £17.63 Blue Life Flux Rx TM is a highly effective treatment against unwanted microalgae like Bryopsis or Green Hair Algae in the marine aquarium.Any macroalgae should be removed from the aquarium before treatment! View
Out-of-Stock Cyanobacteria Remover Blue Life Red Cyano Rx Cyanobacteria Treatment 0 Review(s)  £16.95 Blue Life Red Cyano Rx will quickly and effectively treat disease causing cyano bacteria from live rock, live coral and live sand in your marine aquarium without harming any of its inhabitants including beneficial bacteria when used as directed. Reef aquarium safe. View
Coral & Sponge Supplements PolyLab Reef Roids Bag 0 Review(s)  £19.97 PolypLab Reef-Roids is a blend of naturally occurring marine planktons, It is very popular coral food supplement for Goniopora, Zoanthids, Mushrooms and other filter feeding corals. Add to cart
Microalgae & Cyanobacteria Remover DINO X - Hair Algae & Dinoflagellates Remover 0 Review(s)  £24.78 DINO X from Fauna Marin is a very strong and effective solution which removes any hairy or plague type algae microalgae growth like Bubble Algae and Bryopsis, as well as dinoflagellates in the marine aquarium. Harmless to corals. Add to cart