Out-of-Stock Marine Test Kits Salifert pH Profi Test 0 Review(s)  £7.49 Salifert pH Profi Test Kit - Sufficient for 50 Tests pH is a key value for a thriving marine aquarium as it has a direct impact on the growth of soft and hard corals, macroalgae and other biological processes. A correct pH is a must for any reef tank as it controls the acidity of the marine water and the saturation of carbon dioxide. It is recommended to... View
Out-of-Stock Macroalgae Grow Lights AI Prime Fuge 16HD Refugium LED Grow Light 0 Review(s)  £249.95 The new AI Prime Fuge 16HD is specifically build for a powerful growth of macroalgae like Chaetomorpha, Caulerpa etc. in the marine aquarium refugium. It is very compact and powerful with an easy adjustable light intensity output & light spectrum via the Aqua Illumination App. View
Out-of-Stock Coral & Sponge Supplements Coral Frenzy The Ultimate Coral Food 0 Review(s)  £25.87 Coral Frenzy Powder - the ultimate coral food - with probiotics to help maintain better water clarity. Introduced in 2006 it has fast become one of the most popular coral foods in the world. Coral Frenzy is the perfect alternative for those who do not have the time or desire to feed live or frozen foods. A 45g jar can feed a 100 gallon tank for 2-3 months. View