Nitrate & Phosphate remover Seachem PhosGuard Phosphate Remover 0 Review(s)  £15.92 Seachem's PhosGuard is a high performance phosphate & silicate remover for the marine or freshwater aquarium. A great choice to lower to high phosphate concentrations in the marine aquarium / reef tank. PhosGuard will not leak phosphate & silicate back into the water. In a planted reef tank / macroalgae refugium we recommend not to reduce the... Add to cart
Nitrate & Phosphate remover Seachem De Nitrate 0 Review(s)  £4.87 Seachem's de*nitrate is a high porosity filtration product for the removal of nitrate in the marine and freshwater aquarium by anaerobic denitrification. It is a porous inorganic solid about 4 mm in diameter and does not require a special denitrifying filter or special culture feedings. It is also helpful in controlling nitrite and ammonia. Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Coralline Algae Salifert Coralline Aminoacids 0 Review(s)  £11.12 Salifert Coralline AminoAcids is one of the very few products available which provides all the amino acids beneficial for a superb coralline algae growth. Amino acids play as well a very important part in healthy skeleton growth of corals, decreasing the impact of phosphates and acting as food for most coral species. View
Out-of-Stock Coral & Sponge Supplements Salifert Coral Food 0 Review(s)  £7.14 Salifert Coral Food is a highly concentrated blend of essential nutrients for soft and hard corals in the marine aquarium / reef tank to support a healthy coral growth. Contains HUFA, Proteins, Vitamins and Carbohydrates. View
Marine Test Kits Salifert Nitrate Profi Test NO3 0 Review(s)  £9.79 Salifert Nitrate Profi Test Kit NO3 - Sufficient for 60 Tests A too high Nitrate level may increase the growth of unwanted nuisance algae. In a reef aquarium with hard corals, the nitrate level should be lower than 1-2 mg/L, in an aquarium with soft corals below 5 mg/L and in a fish only marine aquarium the nitrate concentration might be higher but should... Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Marine Test Kits Salifert Phosphate Profi Test PO4 0 Review(s)  £7.93 Salifert Phosphate Profi Test Kit PO4 - Sufficient for 60 Tests For the optimal growth of macro algae you will need some Phosphate in your tank but you do not want to have too much as it can affect the growth of calcareous macro algae and corals by up to 80% and increase the risk of unwanted growth of nuisance micro algaeWe recommend keeping the... View
Marine Test Kits Salifert Carbonate / Alkalinity Profi Test KH/ALK 0 Review(s)  £9.29 Salifert Carbonate / Alkalinity Profi Test KH/ALK Sufficient for 100-200 Tests ( normally more close to 100 ) The Alkalinity has a direct affect on your PH as it acts as a buffer for it. View
Marine Test Kits Salifert Magnesium Profi Test Mg 0 Review(s)  £12.49 Salifert Magnesium Profi Test Kit Mg - Sufficient for 50 TestsMagnesium is an essential element of chlorophyll which is necessary for the photosynthesis of macro algae and corals.For healthy macro algae, hard and soft corals we recommend to maintain a magnesium level of between 1250-1350 mg/LThe Salifert Magnesium Profit-Test is easy to use and accurate... Add to cart
Marine Test Kits Salifert Calcium Profi Test Ca 0 Review(s)  £12.99 Salifert Calcium Profi Test Kit Ca - Sufficient for 50-100 Tests (typically closer to 50) Calcium is a major element of coralline algae and calcareous macro algae like Halimeda Incrassata,the skeletal material of hard corals and the skeletal needles of soft & leather corals. In many cases too low a calcium concentration retards coral and macroalgae algae... Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Marine Test Kits Salifert Oxygen Profi Test O2 0 Review(s)  £7.92 Salifert Oxygen Profi Test Kit O2 - Sufficient for 50 TestsThe right Oxygen level in the marine aquarium is very important for the health of corals and marine fish and this test makes it easy to check the Oxygen very reliably and fast. A too high Oxygen level on the other hand is a sign for not enough CO2 in the aquarium which may lead to a reduced growth... View
Marine Test Kits Salifert Nitrite Profi Test NO2 0 Review(s)  £7.93 Salifert Nitrite Profi Test Kit NO2 - Sufficient for 60 Tests Nitrites are extremely toxic to fish and invertebrates. In an established aquarium normally nitrite is converted to nitrate and then transformed into harmless nitrogen gas. When the Nitrate level is too high it can cause as well unwanted micro algae growth. Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Marine Test Kits Salifert Copper Profi Test Cu 0 Review(s)  £6.91 Salifert Copper Profi Test Kit Cu - Sufficient for 50 Tests Too high levels of Copper can be toxic to marine fish and invertebrates and it is important to keep the Copper level in the marine aquarium below the toxic level;, especially when Copper was used as a treatment for parasite infested fish or when Fertilizer for the planted tank are used which... View