Aquarium Supplements Seachem Equilibrium 0 Review(s)  £9.26 Seachem Equilibrium™ is specifically designed to restore and maintain the ideal mineral balance in the planted aquarium. It does not contain sodium or chloride, which can be detrimental to a planted aquarium at elevated levels. Equilibrium raises the essential mineral/electrolyte content (General Hardness) of the water to balance with and promote... Add to cart
Coral & Sponge Supplements Seachem Reef Phytoplankton 0 Review(s)  £17.58 Seachem Reef Phytoplankton™ is a concentrated blend of green and brown marine phytoplankton designed to provide the essential fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, amino acids, with biological carotenoids for invertebrate diet. Size ranges from 1-20 μm to feed a broad range of marine aquarium filter feeders and invertebrates. Add to cart
Treatments & Additives Seachem Safe 0 Review(s)  £7.02 Seachem Safe™ is a super-concentrated dry conditioner for both fresh and marine aquariums. Safe™ removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. It is non-acidic and will not impact pH. Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Coralline Algae Pink Fusion Coralline Algae In A Bottle - Pre Order only 0 Review(s)  £29.95 Pink Fusion® Coralline Algae includes, as oppose to most available coralline algae supplements, 6 species of live coralline algae spores in varying pink varieties along with beneficial nitrifying bacteria. There is no faster way to turn your bare rocks into beautiful and coralline encrusted live rock. Pink Fusion pre-order is now closed for early... View
Out-of-Stock Coralline Algae Purple Helix Coralline Algae In A Bottle - Pre Order only 0 Review(s)  £29.95 Purple Helix® Coralline Algae includes, as oppose to most available coralline algae supplements, 8 species of live coralline algae spores of Purple, Magenta, and Lavender. along with beneficial nitrifying bacteria. There is no faster way to turn your bare rocks into beautiful and coralline encrusted live rock. Purple Helix pre-order is now closed for... View
Aquarium Supplements Seachem Flourish Tabs 0 Review(s)  £11.92 Seachem Flourish Tabs™ are easy to use growth stimulating tablets for aquarium plant roots. Providing essential trace elements, amino acids, and vitamins. They are rich in iron, manganese, magnesium, calcium, potassium, inositol, choline B12, biotin, and other factors that have been determined to be beneficial to planted aquaria roots. These tabs are... Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Macroalgae Fertiliser Evolution Aqua The Aquascaper Complete Liquid Aquarium Plant Food 0 Review(s)  £9.72 The Aquascaper from Evolution Aqua is an award winning complete liquid plant food for the planted aquarium. Aquarium plants need a comprehensive range of nutrients and do better if they are fed every day. The Aquascaper Complete Liquid Plant food is designed to be single dose and easy to use. It contains all the micro and macro nutrients necessary for... View
Out-of-Stock Fish Food Julian Sprung's Sea Veggies Red Seaweed 0 Review(s)  £8.27 Julian Sprung's Sea Veggies Red Seaweed are super nutritious tender 100% dried seaweed sheets (Palmaria palmata) to keep your herbivore fishes happy and healthy. Ideal algae source for Tangs and Surgeonfish, Parrotfish, Angelfish and some large Butterflyfish as part of a balanced diet. View