Nitrate Remover Seachem Purigen 0 Review(s)  £20.11 Seachem Purigen™ is a highly effective premium media which controls ammonia, nitrites and nitrates in the marine & freshwater aquarium by removing nitrogenous organic waste that would otherwise release these harmful compounds. It will polish the aquarium water to unparalleled clarity. Add to cart
Treatments & Additives Seachem Clarity 0 Review(s)  £9.74 Seachem Clarity™ is the ultimate clarifier for the marine aquarium. It employs an advanced polymeric flocculating agent that is both reef and plant / macroalgae safe. Clarity™ will clear all types of clouding. Add to cart
Widely Used Elements Seachem Reef Complete 0 Review(s)  £11.03 Seachem Reef Complete® is a concentrated optimized blend of ionic calcium designed to restore and maintain calcium in the marine aquarium to levels found in natural seawater without affecting pH. Calcium and carbonates are essential to all coral growth. Reef Complete also includes magnesium and strontium in amounts proportionate to typical utilization... Add to cart
Aquarium Supplements Seachem Equilibrium 0 Review(s)  £9.26 Seachem Equilibrium™ is specifically designed to restore and maintain the ideal mineral balance in the planted aquarium. It does not contain sodium or chloride, which can be detrimental to a planted aquarium at elevated levels. Equilibrium raises the essential mineral/electrolyte content (General Hardness) of the water to balance with and promote... Add to cart
Coral & Sponge Supplements Seachem Reef Phytoplankton 0 Review(s)  £17.58 Seachem Reef Phytoplankton™ is a concentrated blend of green and brown marine phytoplankton designed to provide the essential fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, amino acids, with biological carotenoids for invertebrate diet. Size ranges from 1-20 μm to feed a broad range of marine aquarium filter feeders and invertebrates. Add to cart
Treatments & Additives Seachem Safe 0 Review(s)  £7.02 Seachem Safe™ is a super-concentrated dry conditioner for both fresh and marine aquariums. Safe™ removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. It is non-acidic and will not impact pH. Add to cart
Aquarium Supplements Seachem Flourish Tabs 0 Review(s)  £11.92 Seachem Flourish Tabs™ are easy to use growth stimulating tablets for aquarium plant roots. Providing essential trace elements, amino acids, and vitamins. They are rich in iron, manganese, magnesium, calcium, potassium, inositol, choline B12, biotin, and other factors that have been determined to be beneficial to planted aquaria roots. These tabs are... Add to cart