Widely Used Elements Seachem Flourish Potassium 0 Review(s)  £6.84 Seachem Flourish Potassium is a highly concentrated (50,000 mg/L) source of potassium designed for the use in planted aquariums.It is recommended to add when the macroalgae growth is reduced, especially in a more heavier planted reef tank / macroalgae refugium. Add to cart
Aquarium Supplements Brightwell KoraLagoon Substrate Mangroves Seagrass 0 Review(s)  £17.87 Brightwell Aquatics KoraLagoon is a blend of high-purity aragonite particulate grades to simulate the natural substrate particle profile of tropical reef lagoons. We recommend this substrate particularly for macroalgae like Halimeda Incrassata, Udotea Flabellum and similar marine algae species, seagrass and mangroves for an improved growth. Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Aquarium Supplements TNC Complete 1 Review(s)  £8.95 TNC Complete is specially formulated for planted aquariums where the livestock is not meeting the requirements to supply the necessary Nitrate & Phosphate for plants to grow. This multi-nutrient fertilizer includes therefore Nitrate & Phosphate to provide nutrients for optimal growth. If you don't need this look at TNC Lite. Careful to use in the marine... View
Aquatics Brightwell Lugol's Iodine 0 Review(s)  £19.50 Brightwell Aquatics Lugol's is an extremely powerful iodine / iodide solution. It will raise the iodine concentration of a marine aquarium or reef and it can also be used as a dip for new corals. Iodine is a very important part for the growth of macroalgae and photosynthetic corals like pulsing xenia. Add to cart
Coral & Sponge Supplements Continuum Coral Elements Amino 0 Review(s)  £12.66 Continuum Aquatics Coral Elements Amino which encourages new coral tissue growth and vibrant coloration, by providing solubilized proteins in a readily absorbable form. It is particularly useful for newly fragged corals or those that have been damaged in shipping, injured, grazed upon or that have been subject to bleaching in that it makes the job of... Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Coralline Algae Salifert Coralline Aminoacids 0 Review(s)  £11.12 Salifert Coralline AminoAcids is one of the very few products available which provides all the amino acids beneficial for a superb coralline algae growth. Amino acids play as well a very important part in healthy skeleton growth of corals, decreasing the impact of phosphates and acting as food for most coral species. View
Out-of-Stock Coral & Sponge Supplements Brightwell CoralAmino Coral Growth 0 Review(s)  £19.89 Brightwell CoralAmino is a complex formulation of amino acids found in the same ratios within tissues of stony corals. Widely used by professional coral farmers to increase growth rate and coloration of all marine corals & their allies in the marine aquarium / reef tank. View
Live Bacteria Brightwell MicroBacter7 2 Review(s)  £15.37 Brightwell MicroBacter7 is a complete bioculture for establishing solid long term biological filtration in new systems and rapidly improving water quality in established marine and reef aquaria. Well known product for more than 12 years. Add to cart
On sale! Out-of-Stock Live Bacteria Brightwell FaStart-M FastStart Nutrients 0 Review(s)  £14.47 Brightwell Aquatics FaStart-M is a balanced nutrient source for establishing and maintaining the biological filtration in the marine aquarium. Used together with MicroBacter7 it will establish and develop the biological filtration by providing necessary nutrients for beneficial bacteria cultures. Perfect for new aquarium tank setups. View
On sale! Out-of-Stock Live Bacteria Brightwell MicroBacter Start XLM New Tank Bacteria 0 Review(s)  £13.95 Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter Start XLM is a professional 15x strength powerful live tank starter nitrifying bacteria for rapidly cycling new marine fish and reef aquarium, and for recovering from overcrowding or disasters where the bacteria bed has been damaged or when adding new fish. It is also quite useful after rearranging decorations or... View
Out-of-Stock Live Bacteria Continuum BacterGen M 0 Review(s)  £10.46 Continuum Aquatics BacterGen M is a microbial culture specifically designed for establishing & maintaining marine aquarium systems. Perfect for new marine aquariums, greatly reducing the time it takes to cycle the system. BacterGen M will quickly generate effective bacterial populations in the marine aquarium and rapidly establishing nitrifying biological... View
Live Bacteria Seachem Stability 0 Review(s)  £9.97 Seachem Stability will help to stabilise the water condition of a new aquarium setup and help the aquarium to mature faster, avoiding the "New Tank Syndrome". It will rapidly & safely establish a bio-filtration. Add to cart