Macroalgae Fertiliser Seachem Flourish 0 Review(s) £5.87 Seachem Flourish is a comprehensive supplement for the planted aquarium providing minor & major minerals for an improved growth of freshwater plants and marine macroalgae for an improved nutrients export. It contains traces of nitrate, phosphate and copper as it is designed for freshwater tanks. Although Flourish is often used as well in the marine... Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Aquarium Supplements Seachem Reef Advantage Magnesium 0 Review(s) £8.43 Seachem Reef Advantage Magnesium™ is a concentrated (80,000 ppm) magnesium supplement for the marine aquarium to replenish the for corals and macroalgae important magnesium levels. Other than many available supplements on the market this is completely ammonia free. View
Aquarium Supplements Seachem Reef Advantage Calcium 0 Review(s) £11.56 Seachem Reef Advantage Calcium™ is a non-caustic (pH 8.3–8.6) calcium supplement for the marine aquarium to replenish the for corals and macroalgae, especially for species like Halimeda Incrassata important calcium levels. Add to cart
Trace Elements Seachem Flourish Trace 0 Review(s) £6.24 Seachem Flourish provides the necessary trace elements plants and macroalgae will need to grow in a planted aquarium / marine tank. It allows for more frequent dosing than a broad spectrum supplement without worrying about a build up of more slowly used components. Add to cart
Nitrate & Phosphate Seachem Flourish Nitrogen 0 Review(s) £6.86 Seachem Flourish Nitrogen is a highly concentrated source of nitrogen designed for the use in planted aquariums. It is one of the three main macronutrients macroalgae / plants will need to grow ( nitrogen (nitrate), phosphorus (phosphate), potassium ).It is recommended to add when the plants/macroalgae growth is reduced, especially in a more heavier... Add to cart
Nitrate & Phosphate remover Seachem Matrix Biofilter Media 0 Review(s) £8.92 Seachem Matrix™ is a high porosity biomedia that provides efficient biofiltration for the removal of nitrogenous waste. Matrix is a porous inorganic solid about 10 mm in diameter. Each liter of Matrix provides as much surface (>~700 m2) as 170 liters of plastic balls! These macropores are ideally sized for the support of nitrifying and denitrifying... Add to cart
Widely Used Elements Seachem Flourish Potassium 0 Review(s) £6.84 Seachem Flourish Potassium is a highly concentrated (50,000 mg/L) source of potassium designed for the use in planted aquariums.It is recommended to add when the macroalgae growth is reduced, especially in a more heavier planted reef tank / macroalgae refugium. Add to cart
Trace Elements Seachem Flourish Iron 0 Review(s) £6.87 Seachem Flourish Iron is a highly concentrated (10,000 mg/L) source of ferrous iron designed for use in planted aquariums.It is recommended to add when the macroalgae growth is reduced, especially in more heavier planted reef tanks / macroalgae refugiums. Add to cart
Coralline Algae Kent Marine Purple Tech Coralline Macroalgae Stimulator 0 Review(s) £13.27 Kent Marine Purple Tech stimulates the growth of purple coralline and green calcareous macroalgae. Provides specific concentrations of calcium, magnesium, strontium, trace minerals and carbonates required by coralline algae and stony corals. Add to cart
Aquarium Supplements Seachem Flourish Excel 0 Review(s) £8.64 Seachem Flourish Excel is a organic carbon source designed for the use in planted aquariums, where missing carbon dioxide is limiting the plant / macroalgae growth. An easy solution to add carbon to the planted aquarium which can be used as an alternative to CO2 injection or in addition. It is recommended to add when the macroalgae growth is limited due... Add to cart
Treatments & Additives Seachem Prime 0 Review(s) £15.93 Seachem Flourish Excel is a highly concentrated water conditioner for both fresh and saltwater aquariums to safely remove chlorine & chloramine, and to detoxifie ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate to make the water safe for fishes and corals. It is non-acidic and will not impact pH. Prime® can be used during tank cycling to alleviate ammonia/nitrite toxicity. Add to cart
Live Bacteria Seachem Stability 0 Review(s) £9.97 Seachem Stability will help to stabilise the water condition of a new aquarium setup and help the aquarium to mature faster, avoiding the "New Tank Syndrome". It will rapidly & safely establish a bio-filtration. Add to cart
Nitrate & Phosphate remover ROWAphos Phosphate Remover 0 Review(s) £30.86 ROWAphos TM is an excellent choice to lower too high Phosphate concentrations in the marine aquarium / reef tank. Rowaphos will remove the Phosphate until its capacity is reached without leaking it back into the water. In a planted Reef Tank / Macroalgae Refugium we recommend not to reduce the Phosphate concentration below 0.02 ppm and to dose macroalgae... Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Nitrate & Phosphate remover Seachem SeaGel combines Matrix Carbon & Phosguard 0 Review(s) £9.87 Seachem's SeaGel combines the advantages of the two very popular products MatrixCarbon and PhosGuard, removing phosphate, silicate, organics and colourful impurities, metals, acids, and more. Instead of two separate bags of media you just need one. View
Nitrate & Phosphate remover Seachem PhosGuard Phosphate Remover 0 Review(s) £15.92 Seachem's PhosGuard is a high performance phosphate & silicate remover for the marine or freshwater aquarium. A great choice to lower to high phosphate concentrations in the marine aquarium / reef tank. PhosGuard will not leak phosphate & silicate back into the water. In a planted reef tank / macroalgae refugium we recommend not to reduce the... Add to cart
Nitrate & Phosphate remover Seachem De Nitrate 0 Review(s) £4.87 Seachem's de*nitrate is a high porosity filtration product for the removal of nitrate in the marine and freshwater aquarium by anaerobic denitrification. It is a porous inorganic solid about 4 mm in diameter and does not require a special denitrifying filter or special culture feedings. It is also helpful in controlling nitrite and ammonia. Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Nitrate & Phosphate remover Red Sea NO3:P04-X NOPOX 1 Review(s) £8.87 Red Sea NO3:P04-X or NOPOX is the most popular solution for a controlled nitrate and phosphate reduction in the marine aquarium setup, for an improved coral growth and correct nutrients level to keep macroalgae but avoiding unwanted micro algae in any reef or marine fish system. View
Out-of-Stock Coral & Sponge Supplements Brightwell Koralle-VM 0 Review(s) £8.21 Brightwell Koralle-VM is an unique vitamin and minor and trace element complex for establishing and replacing substances important to marine invertebrates, including corals, clams, and their allies; these substances are particularly important to biological reactions. View
Coralline Algae CaribSea Purple Up Coralline Algae Accelerator 1 Review(s) £15.21 Purple Up™ from CaribSea is a patented unique formulation to speed up the growth of desirable pink and purple coralline algae in the marine aquarium. Since it is not a fertiliser it will not promote the growth of unwanted nuisance algae. Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Coralline Algae Salifert Coralline Aminoacids 0 Review(s) £11.12 Salifert Coralline AminoAcids is one of the very few products available which provides all the amino acids beneficial for a superb coralline algae growth. Amino acids play as well a very important part in healthy skeleton growth of corals, decreasing the impact of phosphates and acting as food for most coral species. View
Coral & Sponge Supplements Brightwell Microvore 0 Review(s) £22.26 Brightwell Microvore is a microdiet for planktivorous marine fishes, corals, gorgonians, anemones, and other solitary and colonial polyps, particularly at night when tentacles are extended to maximize chances of prey-capture. Add to cart
Coral & Sponge Supplements Brightwell Macrovore 0 Review(s) £22.26 Brightwell Microvore is a macro diet for Anemones, LPS Corals & Planktivorous Motile invertebrates & Fishes. Fortified with free-form essential amino acids, vitamins important to immune system function, carotenoid-rich oils of marine origin (also rich in omega-3 HUFA), and natural feeding attractants to improve feeding responsiveness in fishes. Add to cart
Coral & Sponge Supplements Brightwell KoralColor 0 Review(s) £12.28 Brightwell KoralColor is widely used by professional coral farmers along with CoralAmino and Restor for the colouration of plants and corals.It encourages increased colouration through biochrome production in corals, clams, & their allies in the marine aquarium. Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Coral & Sponge Supplements Salifert Coral Food 0 Review(s) £7.14 Salifert Coral Food is a highly concentrated blend of essential nutrients for soft and hard corals in the marine aquarium / reef tank to support a healthy coral growth. Contains HUFA, Proteins, Vitamins and Carbohydrates. View