Aquarium Supplements Brightwell KoraLagoon Substrate Mangroves Seagrass 0 Review(s)  £17.87 Brightwell Aquatics KoraLagoon is a blend of high-purity aragonite particulate grades to simulate the natural substrate particle profile of tropical reef lagoons. We recommend this substrate particularly for macroalgae like Halimeda Incrassata, Udotea Flabellum and similar marine algae species, seagrass and mangroves for an improved growth. Add to cart
pH Brightwell Kalk+2 0 Review(s)  £11.21 Brightwell Aquatics Kalk+2 contains calcium, magnesium & strontium in the same ionic ratios found in aragonite. This unique feature increases the usefulness of Kalk+2 to reef-building invertebrates such as corals, clams, calcareous macro algae, etc. Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Aquatics Vibrant Liquid Aquarium Cleaner - Reef Formula 0 Review(s)  £32.86 Vibrant from Underwater Creations is a revolutionary liquid aquarium cleaner for a sparkling clean marine aquarium. It removes safely unwanted marine algae like Bryopsis and hair algae, and clears up cloudy water for a sparkling, crystal clear vibrant reef tank. Safe for fish, coral and invertebrates. View
Out-of-Stock Coral & Sponge Supplements Brightwell Koralle-VM 0 Review(s)  £8.21 Brightwell Koralle-VM is an unique vitamin and minor and trace element complex for establishing and replacing substances important to marine invertebrates, including corals, clams, and their allies; these substances are particularly important to biological reactions. View
Out-of-Stock Coralline Algae Salifert Coralline Aminoacids 0 Review(s)  £11.12 Salifert Coralline AminoAcids is one of the very few products available which provides all the amino acids beneficial for a superb coralline algae growth. Amino acids play as well a very important part in healthy skeleton growth of corals, decreasing the impact of phosphates and acting as food for most coral species. View
Coral & Sponge Supplements Brightwell Microvore 0 Review(s)  £22.26 Brightwell Microvore is a microdiet for planktivorous marine fishes, corals, gorgonians, anemones, and other solitary and colonial polyps, particularly at night when tentacles are extended to maximize chances of prey-capture. Add to cart
Coral & Sponge Supplements Brightwell Macrovore 0 Review(s)  £22.26 Brightwell Microvore is a macro diet for Anemones, LPS Corals & Planktivorous Motile invertebrates & Fishes. Fortified with free-form essential amino acids, vitamins important to immune system function, carotenoid-rich oils of marine origin (also rich in omega-3 HUFA), and natural feeding attractants to improve feeding responsiveness in fishes. Add to cart
Coral & Sponge Supplements Brightwell KoralColor 0 Review(s)  £12.28 Brightwell KoralColor is widely used by professional coral farmers along with CoralAmino and Restor for the colouration of plants and corals.It encourages increased colouration through biochrome production in corals, clams, & their allies in the marine aquarium. Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Coral & Sponge Supplements Salifert Coral Food 0 Review(s)  £7.14 Salifert Coral Food is a highly concentrated blend of essential nutrients for soft and hard corals in the marine aquarium / reef tank to support a healthy coral growth. Contains HUFA, Proteins, Vitamins and Carbohydrates. View
Marine Test Kits Salifert Nitrate Profi Test NO3 0 Review(s)  £9.79 Salifert Nitrate Profi Test Kit NO3 - Sufficient for 60 Tests A too high Nitrate level may increase the growth of unwanted nuisance algae. In a reef aquarium with hard corals, the nitrate level should be lower than 1-2 mg/L, in an aquarium with soft corals below 5 mg/L and in a fish only marine aquarium the nitrate concentration might be higher but should... Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Marine Test Kits Salifert Phosphate Profi Test PO4 0 Review(s)  £7.93 Salifert Phosphate Profi Test Kit PO4 - Sufficient for 60 Tests For the optimal growth of macro algae you will need some Phosphate in your tank but you do not want to have too much as it can affect the growth of calcareous macro algae and corals by up to 80% and increase the risk of unwanted growth of nuisance micro algaeWe recommend keeping the... View
Marine Test Kits Salifert Carbonate / Alkalinity Profi Test KH/ALK 0 Review(s)  £9.29 Salifert Carbonate / Alkalinity Profi Test KH/ALK Sufficient for 100-200 Tests ( normally more close to 100 ) The Alkalinity has a direct affect on your PH as it acts as a buffer for it. View