Out-of-Stock Red Macroalgae Gracilaria Vermiculophylla 8 Review(s) £9.95 The Gracilaria Vermiculophylla is a truly beautiful macroalgae species. It is a striking red algae species and will be a perfect addition to any reef display tank and Seahorse aquarium as it is a non-invasive algae which offers additional natural holdfasts too. It features long red branches which will become more dense in stronger light. This macro algae... View
Out-of-Stock Red Macroalgae Halymenia Durvillei Dragons Breath 1 Review(s) £7.95 The Halymenia Durvillei or often just called Dragons Breath marine macroalgae has a red coloured structure with vibrant orange - yellow fluorescence tips. It has a more soft structure and will just look great in any reef tank aquarium. A similar looking macroalgae to this is the beautiful marine algae Halymenia Maculata This macro algae will arrive... View
Out-of-Stock Red Macroalgae Solieria spp. 5 Review(s) £8.95 Solieria spp. or often just called Red Bamboo is an interesting different looking marine macroalgae. It has bright to dark red long canes which wich will split at the end and grow on in further canes. This live alga can grow more than 20-30cm long and it will be a perfect addition to the reef display tank and Seahorse Aquarium. This macro algae will... View
Out-of-Stock Green Macroalgae Chaetomorpha Chaeto Linum Thick 0 Review(s) £9.95 Chaetomorpha or often just called Chaeto algae is a perfect nutrients export marine macro algae species. Often placed in the the refugium it the most popular macroalgae used for nutrients export, as it is a non-invasive and fast-growing macroalgae, which is very easy to care for. This Chaeto algae species is not palatable, but the main purpose it does... View
Out-of-Stock Red Macroalgae Gracilaria Parvispora 0 Review(s) £7.95 The Gracilaria Parvispora, or often called Birds Nest / Red Ogo marine macroalgae is a beautiful looking red macroalgae species for the reef display tank. A perfect choice especially when it inhabits herbivore Fishes & Seahorses as this macroalgae species grows faster than most other Gracilaria marine algae species and offers not just a beautiful... View
Out-of-Stock Red Macroalgae Gracilaria Mammillaris 0 Review(s) £7.95 The Gracilaria Mammillaris macroalgae is a beautiful red marine algae species which features deep to bright red coloured sheets which look like large leaves. The Gracilaria Mammillaris macro algae will attach itself easily to rockwork. A great macroalgae for the Display Tank, where it will surely become fast a colourful highlight. The dense structure of... View