Out-of-Stock Green Macroalgae Penicillus Dumetosus 0 Review(s)  £12.95 This ornamental macroalgae is commonly called Shaving Brush Plant as it features a long stalk with leaves growing like a brush. A great addition for the marine tank which can compete which corals easily. Once in the aquarium it is easy to keep placed in a deep enough substrate. This species grows taller than other Pecillus species. View
Out-of-Stock Green Macroalgae Caulerpa Sertularioides 0 Review(s)  £6.95 Caulerpa Sertularioides is a very beautiful macroalgae which develops upright feather or fern looking blades, which can reach a height of up to 20cm. It can be sometimes mistaken as Caulerpa Taxifolia but it looks more filigrain. It grows well in the substrate but prefers more hard surfaces to attach to. View
Out-of-Stock Red Macroalgae Solieria spp. 5 Review(s)  £8.95 Solieria spp. or often just called Red Bamboo is an interesting different looking marine macroalgae. It has bright to dark red long canes which wich will split at the end and grow on in further canes. This live alga can grow more than 20-30cm long and it will be a perfect addition to the reef display tank and Seahorse Aquarium. This macro algae will... View
Out-of-Stock Red Macroalgae Haliptilon Sp 1 Review(s)  £7.95 The marine macroalgae Haliptilon is a lightly to heavy calcified macro algae species which features feather / fern-shaped blades. It is a beautiful highlight for the marine aquarium, although very slow growing and therefore we can offer it unfortunately just from time to time. View
Out-of-Stock Green Macroalgae Udotea Flabellum 0 Review(s)  £15.95 Commonly called the Mermaid's Fan plant is a real eye catcher for the planted reef display tank. It is a beautiful green calcareous macroalgae which features at the end of its stems a dark green fan shaped top. It will hold itself with rhizoids in the substrate, which should be a few inch deep. View
Out-of-Stock Green Macroalgae Caulerpa Cupressoides 0 Review(s)  £0.00 Caulerpa Cupressoides is a very interesting addition for the marine aquarium. This green caulerpasoecies features long stiff stalks with clusters of notched blades. This algae prefers a sandbed but would be fine on rock as well. It is a more hardy caulerpa species which will do fine in most marine aquarium setups. View
Out-of-Stock Red Macroalgae Nemastoma Sp 0 Review(s)  £7.95 The Nemastoma Sp aka Red Finger marine macroalgae is a not a very common marine macro algae species, as it is very rarely available. It features red irregular branches and will form rather small clumps. It is very slow growing and will be a beautiful addition to the marine tank display and perfect for Seahorses as it provides natural holdfasts. This... View
Out-of-Stock Green Macroalgae Chaetomorpha Chaeto Linum Thick 0 Review(s)  £9.95 Chaetomorpha or often just called Chaeto algae is a perfect nutrients export marine macro algae species. Often placed in the the refugium it the most popular macroalgae used for nutrients export, as it is a non-invasive and fast-growing macroalgae, which is very easy to care for. This Chaeto algae species is not palatable, but the main purpose it does... View