Out-of-Stock Green Macroalgae Caulerpa Racemosa Grape Caulerpa 5 Review(s)  £6.95 The Caulerpa Racemosa Grape Caulerpa marine macroalgae is a very popular and a beautiful marine algae species, which often get seen as the origin of Caulerpa racemosa species. It is fast growing and forms ball shaped appendages, therefore it is commonly called Grape Caulerpa. In the planted reef tank we recommend to keep it away from the main rockwork as... View
Out-of-Stock Macroalgae Starter Sets Reef Display Tank Starter-Set 23 Review(s)  £14.95 This macroalgae starter pack for the reef display tank is a great choice for you when you just started to enrich your marine aquarium with marine algae and/or if you want to save some money to start with. This set will provide you 4 different marine macroalgae frags, which are smaller than our normal live algae species, but still perfectly suited to start... View
Out-of-Stock Green Macroalgae Caulerpa Serrulata 6 Review(s)  £6.95 The Caulerpa Serrulata marine macroalgae species has small branched uprights with a series of flat serrated blades. It is a great alternative to some other Caulerpa species which can go sexual as it is a very hardie caulerpa marine algae . A great choice for the nutrients export. View
Out-of-Stock Red Macroalgae Halymenia Durvillei Dragons Breath 1 Review(s)  £7.95 The Halymenia Durvillei or often just called Dragons Breath marine macroalgae has a red coloured structure with vibrant orange - yellow fluorescence tips. It has a more soft structure and will just look great in any reef tank aquarium. A similar looking macroalgae to this is the beautiful marine algae Halymenia Maculata This macro algae will arrive... View
Out-of-Stock Green Macroalgae Caulerpa Sertularioides 0 Review(s)  £6.95 Caulerpa Sertularioides is a very beautiful macroalgae which develops upright feather or fern looking blades, which can reach a height of up to 20cm. It can be sometimes mistaken as Caulerpa Taxifolia but it looks more filigrain. It grows well in the substrate but prefers more hard surfaces to attach to. View
Out-of-Stock Macroalgae Starter Sets Refugium Macroalgae Starter-Set 28 Review(s)  £12.95 This macroalgae pack for the refugium is a great choice if you are looking for fast growing macroalgae species to lower the Nitrate & Phosphate levels in the marine aquarium. They are smaller live algae frags than the single sold marine algae species but a great choice if you don't want to spend a lot of money. You will get 4 different macroalgae as... View
Out-of-Stock Macroalgae Starter Sets Duo Caulerpa Starter Set 10 Review(s)  £7.95 With this duo Caulerpa starter set you will receive 2 fast growing and great looking marine macroalgae species together. This marine macroalgae pack is a great choice for you when you just started to enrich your marine tank with macroalgae and you don't want to spend a lot of money. View
Out-of-Stock Green Macroalgae Neomeris Annulata 0 Review(s)  £7.95 Neomeris Annulata is a very rare macroalgae in the marine tank, as it grows very slowly. It is not very palatable as it is slightly calcified. It grows normally in shallow water in smaller clusters or just solitary and has green, beautiful finger-like uprights. We recommend this marine algae just for dedicated macroalgae tanks as it can become... View
Out-of-Stock Red Macroalgae Red Turf Macroalgae 11 Review(s)  £8.95 We couldn't identify the beautiful looking macroalgae species yet, but this algae species adds a vibrant red colour to the reef tank and provides as well a great food source for herbivore fishes, like Tang and Foxface species, which like to snack on this macroalgae. This beautiful red macroalgae species will attach itself and has a more delicate... View
Out-of-Stock Red Macroalgae Rhodopeltis sp. 4 Review(s)  £11.95 The Rhodopeltis macroalgae species is a very rare to find marine macroalgae and will add with its stiff growing red branches a beautiful colour and structure to the reef display tank. It will provide hiding space for small fishes and critters and is an excellent choice for the Seahorse aquarium, as it will add a natural holdfast for them. This macro... View
Out-of-Stock Red Macroalgae Fauchea Sp. 2 Review(s)  £14.95 Fauchea Sp. or Purple Fauchea is an extremely rare to find macro algae. It features thick branches which will turn more violet as more light it gets. A beautiful slow growing marine algae for the Reef Tank or Seahorse Aquarium. This macro algae will arrive unattached. If you prefer it already attached to a zoa cone please add the amount of cones you need... View
Out-of-Stock Red Macroalgae Haliptilon Sp 1 Review(s)  £7.95 The marine macroalgae Haliptilon is a lightly to heavy calcified macro algae species which features feather / fern-shaped blades. It is a beautiful highlight for the marine aquarium, although very slow growing and therefore we can offer it unfortunately just from time to time. View