Red Macroalgae

Clean Red Marine Macroalgae For The Marine Tank / Refugium
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Gracilaria Curtissae Red Marine Macroalgae Gracilaria Curtissae Red Marine Macroalgae 2
    Red Macroalgae

    Gracilaria Curtissae

    0 1 2 3 4 18 Review(s) 
    Gracilaria Tikvahiae - Mocha Ogo Red Marine Macroalgae Gracilaria Tikvahiae - Mocha Ogo Red Marine Macroalgae 2
      Red Macroalgae

      Gracilaria Tikvahiae

      0 1 2 3 4 4 Review(s) 
      Gracilaria Parvispora Gracilaria Parvispora 2
        Red Macroalgae

        Gracilaria Parvispora

        0 1 2 3 4 0 Review(s) 
        Halymenia Maculata Red Macro Algae Halymenia Maculata Red Macro Algae 2
          Red Macroalgae

          Halymenia Maculata

          0 1 2 3 4 1 Review(s) 
          Cryptonemia Crenulata Red Marine Macroalgae Cryptonemia Crenulata Red Marine Macroalgae 2
            Red Macroalgae

            Cryptonemia Crenulata

            0 1 2 3 4 12 Review(s) 
            Gracilaria Vermiculophylla Red Marine Macroalgae Gracilaria Vermiculophylla Red Marine Macroalgae 2
              Red Macroalgae

              Gracilaria Vermiculophylla

              0 1 2 3 4 8 Review(s) 
              Bryothamnion Triquetrum Red Marine Macroalgae Bryothamnion Triquetrum Red Marine Macroalgae 2
                Red Macroalgae

                Bryothamnion Triquetrum

                0 1 2 3 4 0 Review(s) 
                Gracilaria Mammillaris Red Marine Macroalgae Gracilaria Mammillaris Red Marine Macroalgae 2
                  Red Macroalgae

                  Gracilaria Mammillaris

                  0 1 2 3 4 0 Review(s) 
                  Gracilaria Hayi Red Marine Macroalgae - Live Algae UK Gracilaria Hayi Red Marine Macroalgae - Live Algae UK 2
                    Red Macroalgae

                    Gracilaria Hayi

                    0 1 2 3 4 6 Review(s) 
                    Halymenia sp. Dragon’s Tongue Red Macro Algae Halymenia sp. Dragon’s Tongue Red Macro Algae 2
                      Red Macroalgae

                      Halymenia sp. Dragon’s Tongue

                      0 1 2 3 4 10 Review(s) 
                      Rhodopeltis sp. Rhodopeltis sp. 2
                        Red Macroalgae

                        Rhodopeltis sp.

                        0 1 2 3 4 4 Review(s) 
                        Botryocladia - Red Grape Marine Macroalgae Botryocladia - Red Grape Marine Macroalgae 2
                          Red Macroalgae

                          Botryocladia - Red Grape

                          0 1 2 3 4 22 Review(s) 

                          Red Macroalgae Species

                          Welcome to the beautiful world of marine macro algae for the Display Tank & Refugium
                          Your 1st choice for Sustainable Grown Macroalgae Species in the UK since 2014

                          Find rare red macroalgae species you might not have seen before, as they are often very hard to find like Gracilaria and Halymenia for best prices.

                          Red marine macroalgae species are a great choice for almost any type of marine aquarium setup as most of them grow slow to medium fast and as they do not attach themselves. Therefore they belong to the non-invasive algae species.  

                          The best macroalgae choice to use in a Nano-Aquarium, Seahorse tank, Reef Aquarium and especially there in the best algae for the Display Tank. Surely they can be kept in the sump/refugium as well, but when you see them, you don't want to hide them there surely :)

                          Some varieties of the red macro algae are so beautiful that they can easily compete with some corals, so it is no wonder that they are some of the most highly sought after marine macroalgae species.

                          All the algae we sell are from our special macro algae Tank setups which are kept without any fishes for a disease-free and premium quality. This said, they might come with hitchhikers not limited to Copepods and Rotifers, as those beneficial critters love the protected environment of our planted marine reef tanks.

                          The Top Seller of our Red Marine Macro Algae collection:

                          Blue Ochtodes ( which will attach itself ). These algae look just brilliant in the Display Tank and offer a perfect space for Copepods and Rotifers.  Ochtodes Sp. 

                          Botryocladia - Red Grape is one of our favourites. It can grow easily but slowly 30-40 cm long and with its red grapes, it will quickly become an attraction by itself in any marine aquarium. Seahorses love to hold onto these macroalgae, and they just look even more amazing :) Red Grape Algae

                          Halymenia macro algae species. We have at the moment for sale the Dragon's Tongue. A stunning looking red macroalgae species, which will again be anyone's favourite in the marine aquarium. Perfect fitting for the Display Tank, non-invasive and very Seahorse friendly. Halymenia Sp. Dragons Tongue

                          We offer much more red marine macroalgae species, and they all have their very own beautiful site. If you can't decide which one you should get, just give us a call and we are happy to help you with your decision.

                          Red macroalgae of the family Rhodophyta are one of the largest marine macroalgae species with about 5,000–6,000 different types. The dominant pigment Phycoerythrin gives it the stunning shades of red, orange and blue.

                          In addition to a beautiful natural look of the marine aquarium, they will add all the benefits of marine macroalgae, which you can read more about in our Facts & FAQ part here

                          We hope you enjoy our beautiful red marine macroalgae collection and feel free to contact us whenever you have a question

                          Receive updates about latest arrives and offers with our Newsletter plus a 5% Discount Voucher for new subscribers.

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