Fish Food Hikari Seaweed Extreme Small 100G 0 Review(s)  £6.29 Small Sinking Pellets for Algae Eating Marine Fishes Contains 67% Seaweed! Ideal for Smaller Marine Herbivore Fishes View
Out-of-Stock Fish Food HIKARI Mini Algae Wafers 22g 0 Review(s)  £3.98 HIKARI MINI ALGAE WAFERS for Algae Eating Marine Fishes Ideal food source for algae eating marine fishes, fortified with vitamin supplements for herbivore bottom feeder and critters.Will not dissolve nor cloud the water. View
Out-of-Stock Fish Food HIKARI Algae Wafers 40g 0 Review(s)  £3.89 HIKARI ALGAE WAFERS for Algae Eating Marine Fishes Ideal food source for algae eating marine fishes, fortified with vitamin supplements for herbivore bottom feeder and critters.Will not dissolve nor cloud the water. View
Out-of-Stock Fish Food Hikari Crab Cuisine 50g 0 Review(s)  £2.92 Hikari Crab Cuisine is a scientific diet for hermit crabs, lobsters and other aquatic critters. It is rapidly sinking, providing a mineral rich food source crustaceans will love. Suitable for freshwater and marine inhabitants. View